Book Your School Visit with Author Phoebe Fox Today!
To schedule a school visit, please contact with the following:
- Your name and position at the school
- Your school’s name and address
- Your preferred month for the visit
- Any goal(s) you might have for the visit
Before a school visit, it’s recommend that you share this website with students. Feel free to show them a variety of virtual read-alouds by clicking the Storytime tab. It is also helpful if there are copies of Phoebe Fox’s books available in classrooms or the school library. Books can be ordered in the Shop and will be shipped (or delivered) immediately.
“Phoebe Fox’s presentation to our students was delightful and engaging. Her introduction about herself, how and why she became an author, really captured students’ attentions. The spirit of her stories are of caring and kindness. Because of her experience as a teacher and librarian, she has a keen sense of reading her audience and responding beautifully. What a magical visit we had with Phoebe Fox. We are eager to see her again in the future.”
~ Liz Speciale, KNOX Gifted Academy Media Assistant
A book order form to send home with students will be provided prior to the visit. On the day of the visit, signed books will be brought to the school for distribution. A book will be provided for the school library (free of charge).
“We were so pleased to have Phoebe Fox return to our school to share with us her latest books. Phoebe is a very engaging storyteller and our students of all ages were enthralled with her presentation. Students are still talking about her visit weeks later.” ~ Alison Coviello, Christ Church School Librarian
A school visit may be a 45-minute presentation for a large group of students (in a gym or cafeteria) or a combination of shorter visits to a variety of classrooms. Visits are recommended for Pre-K through 3rd grade, and may include the following (or more):
- Social Emotional Learning topics, such as self-awareness, self-regulation, social awareness, relationship skills, responsible decision-making, and empathy
- Sheep and wool, a natural, renewable resource
- All about peafowl and peachicks and their behavior
- What lives on the Verde River/water conservation
- Storytime with puppets
- Why reading and writing are important
- How books are made and what inspires them (encouraging students to write their stories)
- Q & A with the author
“Phoebe Fox has a way with children that captivates and engages their minds and imaginations. She is a gifted educator and writer who is using her talents to empower children to read and become writers themselves.” ~ Heather Caciola, Learning Resource Coordinator
“Phoebe [Fox] truly understands how to engage her audience and bring out thought provoking questions from those young minds.” ~ Paula Marinos, Pre-Kindergarten Teacher
“Phoebe Fox is engaging when she speaks and captures the attention of children from toddler to elementary school aged. They love to listen to her read and talk about books. It is a true pleasure to have her present information.” ~ Christy Pylman, Library Volunteer